Having started from absolute z 25 ero, not ever studying any Spanish at all, I have now been studying for two years. So I am aware of how long it takes. And add to my situation the advanced age of 73 years. I don’t know exactly what level I’m at now, but I think an A2.

I plan to keep plugging on. I’ll get to as high-level as I can and however many years I have left on this earth.

Every so often I get discouraged. And that happened to me in medical school as well. You just have to work through it. Getting frustrated or immobilized just delays your learning even more. So you just keep plugging on day by day. Some days are good. Some days are horrible. But overall, the learning curve is on the way up. But you have the blip along the way and can’t let them discourage you

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That first sentence should be zero. Darn AutoCorrect on the iPhone.

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This article is brilliant and I agree with your stats. Thank you for being so very generous with your knowledge; always.

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Happy to help!

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