Love this! I’m looking for new ways to challenge myself and stretch my brain. Recently started volunteering at a wildlife rehabilitation center for this very reason (but also because I love animals/conservation lol)

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Hi! Long time no speak Amanda. Good luck finding a way to stretch your brain :)

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Your painting looks really nice, it clearly resembles the silhouette of a boat w/ a sunset/sunrise in the background + avians flying overhead. Well done, Azren! "embrace the challenge. Focus on the process and don’t rush to the finish line. Difficulty is excellent for the brain. Furthermore, the fastest pathway to fluency might just be to focus more on the personal development benefits of language learning and less on achieving fluency quickly." :)

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Agreed! The hard stuff in life teaches so much… like patience and endurance. And kudos to you for learning to “love” cold showers. A little suffering will teach gratitude for warm showers!

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